Blog articles

Please note: This page doesn't include every article I've written for each of these clients. Rather, I have selected two to three pieces for each client.

Dinner Is Quick and Easy With Air Fryer Ham Steaks [VIDEO]

If you're looking for a delicious meal that you can prepare in a pinch, follow our recipe for ham steaks with a side of asparagus-wrapped bacon. The air fryer makes preparing this dish simple and fast, so you can cut down on the time you have to spend in the kitchen — helping you focus on spending quality time with loved ones at meal time instead. With one simple recipe, you can strike the right balance between sweet and savory with a ham slice and asparagus with a honey mustard glaze.

We're ta

Hard Water Hair Treatment: Restore and Revitalize Your Locks I Water

If you have hard water, you’re probably well acquainted with spotty dishes, limescale buildup, stiff laundry and soap that just won’t lather. But did you know your home isn’t the only place you might see the impacts of water hardness? Unfortunately, your hair can suffer from the buildup of hard water minerals, too.

The good news is that there are plenty of hard water hair treatment solutions, including chelating shampoo, specialized brushes and — most importantly — a water softener.

Here’s wha

Well Water vs. City Water

We all use water in our homes, but many of us don’t often stop to think about its different sources. Well water comes from a private water supply accessed via a well, whereas city water is supplied by the local municipality. Both types of water have their pros and cons and require testing and potentially, treatment. In this article, we’ll discuss how well water and city water are similar and different, their unique characteristics and how to treat them. Let’s dive in.

City Water and Well Water:

At Dubai’s Brass Monkey Social, you’re never too old for some monkey business

Situated in Dubai’s iconic artificial Bluewaters Island, Brass Monkey Social takes adults back to a simpler time. The establishment’s arcade boasts a variety of activities, such as bowling and retro arcade games (think Donkey Kong and Street Fighter). The venue also offers more grown-up games like billiards and, not one to be left behind in the analog age, visitors can even enjoy their 21st-century virtual reality (VR) racing cars simulator!

With all that energy being spent, guests won’t be lef

Travel back in time with the Maine Historical Society’s new digital tour

Racial discrimination and persecution form a large part of America’s past. Portland’s Maine Historical Society recognizes the importance of acknowledging this history to allow Americans to heal and move forward. The Society has established museum galleries with exhibitions that visitors can explore to learn more about Maine’s experiences of racism.

The Society recently partnered with Matterport to create a virtual tour that broadens and enhances this education. We spoke to curator Tilley Laskey

Say bye to battery woes with zero energy IoT

It's been almost 250 years since Thomas Edison patented the first widely commercially available lightbulb. Originally a luxury for the elite, electricity has since become an infrastructure cornerstone (and, in many countries, access to it is a human right). We use electrical energy for everything from the small, humble lightbulb to mammoth oil rigs, computer server centers, spacecraft and more.

Electricity is vital for powering our small devices, to

IoT: A major electric vehicle driving force

With the effects of climate change worsening at a mind-boggling rate, many companies and consumers alike have a heightened focus on their carbon footprint. They're looking toward more environmentally friendly products, services and production processes — including the cars we build and use every day. According to research published by Statista, passenger cars powered by fossil fuels produced over three billion metric tons of carbon dioxide worldwide in 2019. Vehicles in the U.S. accounted for ne

Focus on DEI is critical to business success

Many business leaders have heard of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). For the uninitiated, DEI refers to designing and applying programs that promote opportunity and equality for members of marginalized groups, such as people of color, women and the LGBT community. They're created to equalize the playing field in the workforce, working to right historical wrongs.

While advocating for equity and social justice is important for moral and ethical

To swipe or not to swipe: small business payments

Unless an organization is a non-profit, generating revenue is every company's raison d'être. To make an income, businesses need to collect money from their consumers.

Traditionally, cash and checks were kings. Now, as the world becomes increasingly digitized, every small business must accept digital payments. This means buying and using a card machine to service their customers who do contactless payments with credit cards and even smart device

Kicking Your Front Door Decor up a Notch

When doing a home makeover, few people give their front door much thought. But this particular piece of your home is one that deserves more attention! From materials and architectural design to paint color and door texture, you’ve got plenty of options when it comes to front door decor. And that’s not even to mention the bounty of accessories you can choose! So, let’s open the door to some fantastic door decor ideas (and mistakes to avoid).

Front door decor may not seem very important in the gr

How Will Gen Z Consumers Affect The Supply Chain?

E-commerce is booming. In fact, it's largely the reason the economy has begun returning to pre-pandemic levels after COVID-19. Most of the world's consumers are online, with over five billion people worldwide having internet access, which constitutes almost 65% of the entire human population.

And, there's no group of people more chronically online than Gen Z. This age cohort — born between 1996 and 2012 — has grown up with the internet and smar

Is Mid Century Modern Alive and Well?

Some of us might not like to reflect on it too much, but the middle of the 21st century is steadily creeping closer (or we're hurtling toward it, depending on how you feel about the passage of time). With that in mind, let's think about one of the most popular design styles of the 20th century — mid-century modern. For the uninitiated, it's a minimalist scheme that emerged at the beginning of World War Two and remained in vogue well into the late 1960s.

So, what is mid-century modern?

It's cha

What business owners should know about non-compete clauses

Are non-compete clauses a bane or blessing? The answer will likely depend on who you ask. As the Financial Times explains, approximately 20% of the American workforce is bound by non-compete clauses. This means that they can't work for any of their current employer's competitors for at least one year after leaving the business whether voluntarily or otherwise.

These clauses have become ubiquitous in the American workplace and aren't ve

The Consumer’s Role In Supply Chain Sustainability

To say companies in the manufacturing and distribution industries use a lot of fuel and produce a lot of waste is an understatement. Consequently, for many years now, businesses across the supply chain have dedicated themselves to furthering their sustainability efforts.

However, pollution and carbon emissions occur at every stage of the supply chain, and the consumer end-stage is no exception. As the Massachusetts Institute of Technology explains, the customer has an enormous part to play in m

Is the Great Resignation being followed by a Great Regret?

A few years back, we saw the beginning of the Great Resignation, a term given to employees resigning en masse. There were many motivations at play, including a widespread belief that their employers didn't prioritize their well-being during a global pandemic. Many workers also felt that they weren't being fairly compensated, or that their company culture was toxic and unproductive.

While these are all valid reasons, there are fears tha

Human Resources vs Employee Relations — The Key Differences to Note

While they might seem much the same and they do somewhat overlap, human resources and employee relations serve separate purposes within an organization. Taking a closer look at both will allow you to understand their functions, why they’re important, and how HR Acuity can help you improve the two.

What is Human Resources and why is your HR team integral to your organization’s success?

Human resources (HR) can be defined as an overarching “umbrella” department that governs all issues and concer

Top 5 Plants and Flowers to Repel Bugs This Summer

Aphids, earwigs, fungus gnats – the list of pests is seemingly endless! It’s incredibly frustrating and disheartening to find your beloved plants to which you’ve tended so lovingly being ravaged by bothersome bugs. Whether it’s your gorgeous rosebush or your enchanting lilies, almost no plant is off-limits.

Fortunately, there’s a miscellany of bug-fighting methods available. Apart from commercially produced pesticides and insecticides, there are a few more organic routes you can take to protect

The future is female – women in STEM in South Africa

When people think of science, technology, engineering, or maths, they tend to think only of bespectacled old, bearded men. The truth is, though, that women have been pioneers in STEM fields since humans invented them! While sadly often overlooked or forgotten in the annals of history, women have made invaluable contributions to science throughout the millennia and continue to do so to this day!

As 11 February is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, let’s look at what amazing thi

How our childhood personality affects us as adults, and why it’s important

Much research has been done into how our experiences during childhood shape both our personalities as children and, later in life, as adults. This is an important area of research as it has many implications for parents when it comes to child-rearing, for teachers when it comes to teaching, and for many other people working with children.

‘Personality’ can be defined as a person’s ways of thinking, feeling, behaving, and interacting with other people. Multiple researchers have determined that t

Pursuing a career in HR Management

Without hardworking and trained workers, organisations would have a difficult time reaching their goals and achieving success – human resources (also known as HR for short) broadly refers to the management of these workers. Generally speaking, this includes hiring workers, managing their benefits and financial compensation, and overseeing disciplinary action taken against employees.

HR, as an industry, is enjoying steady growth and, consequently, the number of jobs in the field is growing every
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